Sunday, July 28, 2013

The race that shall remain unnamed

It was the worst race I've ever run - and I've run a fewtwofour?hundreds of races.  Where to start?  How about at the start - wrong start location posted, no potties, no parking, 20ish minute start delay, a 4-mile 5k, bad water stops, no course marshals, no course markings, trains, buses, 3 hours until results posted, and on and on.....BUT they did placate us with wine and I placed in the 10k - oh, wait, I ran the 4 mile 5k?!  And, the beer is STILL on its way....

I don't want to be completely negative, so here's my positive person spin.  The San Antonio Run, Rock, and Wine 5k was the best 4 mile late-starting, train-stopped, almost-run-over-by-two-busses, 5k I've ever run.  Really. 

(Disclaimer:  I put a LOT of [editor note: OCD] work and planning into the SARR Women's 5k [editor's note: an ACTUAL 5k, or 3.1 miles], and it really pisses me off that races charge more and do a REALLY terrible job of race planning.  Especially when I gave the race director an advance heads up that her course was WAY long, and she blew me off.  So, I'm an OCD grouchy race director, apparently - who just named names.

But, at least we took some good pics....

before the race con Veeeeector

one of the trains...

It's always that 4th mile of a 5k that gets you....and turns you into a crazy running chicken (I let Nate win...)

And it's not a wise idea to take 3 hours to post results....we're good at getting back into the wine line...

So, unless you are into 4 mile 5ks with no potties, much water (in the 90s), no frills, not much of anything - except for trains, buses, and a good band, I'd avoid Victory Runs-produced races.  Dang, another name...

Thanks to Victor and Michele for the pics

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