Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Still catching up...

So, this past weekend was the AuGUSTO 10k.  I didn't remember which distance I signed up for - and was pretty happy it was not the 18k.  It is possible that, if you can't remember which distances you registered for in races, you are 1) getting old 2) run too many races 3) slightly insane.  But, I eschew those notions and am claiming that I'm just a little busy and tired.  And maybe a twee bit insane.

It was a good day for a run - not over 100 degrees and not flooded - two very important things in San Antonio.


And, at the end of the course, there are two friggin uphills - which I and the gal behind me walked up....then, she tried to pass me in the finish chute.  I'm not very competitive, but I will NOT get passed in the finish chute - so BAM - I flew in to beat that chica out for 18th place, F 40-49.  Booyah.
And then, we recuperated.

And, somehow, I'm the fat gal in the pic.  I totally need to find bigger people with whom to run.

So, back to clean eating - and making my crazy veggie/fruit salad for breakfast in the morning.  Ironically, next up: Labor Day Whine Run, where I will drink healthy wine.

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