Sunday, October 2, 2011

Yep, I'm supposed to be tapering

But, I ran the Pajama Pancake 5k on the Mission Reach section of the riverwalk on Saturday.  I came in around 17th place for overall female, but they didn't go that quite that deep in prizes.  (This was after I watched the Brewers rock game #1 on Friday.)  Then, I headed home and watched the Badgers rock it against the Huskers.

Sunday morning, I woke up (a little late) and ran about 8 miles with Fleet Feet for my last pre-marathon 'long' run.  And then I hit Síclovía - where the City closed down Broadway for cycling, running, walking, playing basketball, you name it.  In hindsight, I should have just done my run there.  Instead, I ended up tacking on another 4.5 miles of walking - oops. 
Basketball and street hockey


my favorite, still - PARACHUTE!

I toyed with the ideas of bringing my bike or the dogs, but did not want to sustain a freak injury ONE WEEK before the marathon - so I walked and walked.  And saw this guy, who apparently has NO fear of a freak dog-related injury.

what, that doesn't look dangerous?  Here he is going the other way - multiple dogs and he is on SKATES!  In my defense, my dogs are over twice the size of those 8 or so pups!

(and, seriously, this is supposed to be about health and exercise, and this clown shows up?)
Afterward, my buddies and I heard there was free craft beer in Brackenridge Park for Parktoberfest - sure enough - there was.  So we enjoyed good, free beer and German music (I was getting nostalgic for Germany).
And so, I returned home to watch the DVR'd Packers game (I know they won - I peeked - but I'm still watching it) and keep tabs on the Brewers game - where they are also rocking it. 

This is probably NOT the proper way to taper, but if I keep in the spirit of WI sports, I will rock my 'next up' - the Chicago marathon. 

Speaking of which - super props to my buddy, Steve, who PR'd today in Milwaukee's Lakefront marathon with a smoking fast time of 3:18:36!  Fair warning:  even if I rock CHI, my time will be an hour longer than that!

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