No, this is not a picture of my bust. Well, okay, it is. But not in a porn-y way. In an awesome new shirt way! I run with a group of folks on Tuesday and Thursday nights, with many Saturday/Sunday long runs thrown in. It's a great bunch - in the two or so years I have run with these folks, we have been through cancer in the family, births, deaths, divorces, losses of jobs, weddings, celebrating the life of a spouse who died in combat, etc. On the road, we have run many races, finished marathons, qualified for Boston, pushed cars, suffered cramps, experienced every known running injury, undergone surgeries, puked, consumed beers, and been hit on by homeless gentlemen (okay, that last one seems to somehow be exclusive to me). And much, much more. This year, we plan to run the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C.
Like I said, a great bunch. One thing we're not, though, is an 'organized' running group. We joke about charging dues and fines and writing bylaws. We do occasionally get organized, however, and have BBQs or order shirts. Like these SUPERCOOL new ones. This one is the Under Armour-esque Asics long sleeve women's tech tee. Also in this order were long sleeve cotton tees and women's (non-t-back, which I need) singlets. Now, we're stylin'! Now, I'm hoping for a cold front for the back-to-back races this weekend.